Mobilitybox API Change Log
This article shows the latest release changes for our APIs and SDKs.
Currently Added Changes:
Idempotent Request API
- [Added] Idempotent Request option across all POST Request in the Ticketing API section
For a detailed documentation, check out the Idempotent Request documentation
Release Ticketing API v7
- [Added] more attributes for upcoming ticket price change for subscription_cycle and coupon
For a detailed change list, check out the Ticketing API v7 documentation and the Price Change Guide
Release Ticketing API v6
This Ticketing API v6 changes ticket data storage strategy and adds Apple Wallet and Google Wallet Pass generation ability.
- [Added] API v6 endpoints
- [Added] Apple Wallet Pass generation
- [Added] Google Wallet Pass generation
- [Added] available ticket rendering options endpoint in all api versions
- [Added] possible ticket rendering options attribute for products in API v6
- [Changed] ticket data storage strategy. From now on ticket data will be saved enrcrypted until one month of validity end. User can download the data multiple times.
For more information, check out the Data storage strategy documentation
For a detailed change list, check out the Ticketing API v6 documentation
What to come for iOS & Android SDKs
- [Add] API v6 for capability to get apple or google wallet pass
- [Add] Add to apple wallet button for tickets
- [Add] Add to google wallet button for tickets
Release Ticketing API v5
- [Added] endpoints to view and manage billable items and invoices
For a detailed change list, check out the Ticketing API v5 documentation and the Invoicing Guide
Release Ticketing API v4
The Ticketing API v4 adds Tariff Settings.
- [Added] products which require tariff settings with tariffsettingsschema
- [Added] endpoints to manage tariff settings
For a detailed change list, check out the Ticketing API v4 documentation and the Tariff Settings Guide
Release Ticketing API v3
The Ticketing API v3 adds Product Subscriptions and supports Ticket reactivation.
- [Added] subscribable products
- [Added] subscription and subscription reorder endpoints
- [Added] coupon reactivation in coupon activates endpoint
- [Changed] different data model attribute changes
For a detailed change list, check out the Ticketing API v3 documentation and the Subscriptions Guide
UPDATE February 2023
- [Added] ticket restore process and endpoint
Coming soon as Update:
- [Add] manage Webhooks for your API-Keys
- f.e. to get updates for your subscriptions
- [Add] subscriptions by API-Key endpoint
Release iOS & Android SDKs v3.0.0
- [Added] support for Mobilitybox Ticketing API v3
- [Added] subscriptions
- [Added] reactivate method for tickets and coupons
For a detailed change list, check out the Ticketing API v3 documentation and the iOS SDK Release or Android SDK Release