Fastlink is the easiest way for customers to buy a public transit ticket.

We recommend using the Mobility Wallet with Fastlink, but you can also use your Ticket APP.


Fastlink has only 6 Main Pages that are relevant for you and your Customer.

  • Referrer Page - Create and edit your Referrer for your specific purpose.
  • Product Page - Your customers can select their desired product.
  • Checkout Page - Your customers can pay for the product.
  • Payment Success Page - This page is only relevant if you don't skip to your app after payment. It shows the payment result.
  • Subscription Management Page - This page is only for subscription tickets. Customers can use it to change payments or cancel subscriptions.
  • Restore Ticket Page - This page is only for subscription tickets. Customers can use this page to restore their tickets.

Customer Path


Step 1 - Create an Account on Fastlink

Go to and click on Sign-up / Login.

Step 2 - Create your Referral Link

Click on Create NEW Link.

We recommend creating a Test link for implementation first.

With the Test link, you can pay and test the integration without any real cost

Step 3 - Configure your Link

Select the products that should be available for your customers.

And click the "Update Products" Button to save your selection.

Step 4 - Implement the link on your site. (The next section explains how to do this.)

Custom Ticket APP

Step 1 - Create your Ticket APP in Fastlink

Go to Referrer Site

Click on "Create New APP"

Step 2 - Configure your APP
  1. First you should give your APP a Name

  2. Afterwards maybe you want to set a Description for it

  3. The next step is to set a URL. This should be the full URL of your ticket app, where users can import a Mobilitybox coupon into your app. For example:
  4. We add the coupon IDs to this address in the `mobilitybox_coupon_ids` parameter. Looks then like this: Multiple coupon IDs will separate with a URI-encoded comma.
  5. Finally, you can select a screenshot of your app to be displayed after the payment confirmation. And click "Submit".

Step 3 - Choose your preferred APP for a specific referrer

Go to the referrer and click "Options"

Choose your created APP and click "Update Referrer"

Disable Email Notifications

Fastlink automatically sends an email to Apple Pay users after a successful ticket purchase, and users can also send an email to themselves to receive ticket details. If you wish to turn off this feature, follow these steps:

Step 1 - Select Your Referrer

Go to and select your Referrer

Step 2 - Disable Email Notifications

Click on "Options" and check the checkbox for "Disable Email Notifications".

Finally, click "Update Referrer" to save your changes.


Step 1 - Create a Link to your Fastlink Page

You can redirect the Customer directly to your Checkout Page or Product Page.

Checkout Page

You can redirect the customer directly to your checkout or product page.

There are the following URL Parameters.

  • mobilitybox_product_ids[] - It's a URL array where you can set multiple Mobilitybox Product IDs
  • view - Set it to "fullscreen" if you don't want the header
  • order_reference - Your individual order reference, which is also present in your custom app URL. Maximum of 256 characters


Product Page

Redirect to your product page with your Referrer Code.


Step 2 - Get the Customer Result back

Once the payment has been successfully processed, your customer will be automatically redirected to your website or application.

The redirect URL has the following parameters that you need to save:

  • mobilitybox_coupon_ids - multiple Mobilitybox Coupon IDs from the customer order
  • mobilitybox_order_id - the Mobilitybox Order ID
  • order_reference - your order reference if you set one before
  • mobilitybox_restore_secret - the restore secret if you want to restore the tickets
Step 3 - Manage Subscription | only Subscription Tickets

On this page, customers can cancel their subscriptions or change their payment method.

Redirect to the subscription Manage Page with the Mobilitybox Subscription ID.

You can get this ID by making a GET request on the Coupon API.

There are the following URL Parameters:

  • mobilitybox_subscription_ids[] - It's a URL array where you can set multiple Mobilitybox Subscription IDs
  • view - Set it to "fullscreen" if you don't want the Header


Step 4 - Restore Coupon / Ticket | only Subscription Tickets

On this page, customers can restore their coupons or tickets.

Redirect to the restore Page with the Mobilitybox Restore Secret.

There are the following URL Parameters:

  • mobilitybox_restore_secrets[] - It's a URL array where you can set multiple Mobilitybox Restore Secret IDs
  • view - Set it to "fullscreen" if you don't want the Header



After setting up your Fastlink Shop, you can test various scenarios to ensure everything works correctly.

  • Test Payment
    • Successful Payment

      Use these Card Details for a successful payment:

      • Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
      • Expiry Date: 03/30
      • CVC: 737

      Alternatively, you can use Apple Pay or Google Pay.

    • Failed Payment

      Use these Card Details for a failed payment:

      • Card Number: 4000 0000 0000 0002
      • Expiry Date: 03/30
      • CVC: 737
    • 3D Secure Payment

      Use these Card Details for a 3D Secure payment:

      • Card Number: 4000 0027 6000 3184
      • Expiry Date: 03/30
      • CVC: 737
    • Other Payment cases

      Please visit Stripe Payment Test Page

  • Reorder Subscription

    Your ticket will automatically reorder, e.g., every month. Here, you can test this reorder with a single button click.

    • Successful Payment

      After activating your ticket, you can visit the Manage Page and click on "Verlängerung simulieren"

    • Failed Payment

      After activating your ticket, go to the Manage Page and click the Check Button.

      Next, simulate the Reorder by clicking on "Verlängerung simulieren"